mi foto

NAME: Charlie Gómez
HAIR COLOR: Unknown (in constant change)
CURRENT JOB: Video Game and Web Developer (freelance)
HOBBIES: Playing video games, going to the movies, hanging out with SO and friends...


Video Game Design and Development

Francisco de Vitoria University (2016-2021)

Technical Artist

Francisco de Vitoria University (2016-2021)

Full Stack Development (Master's Degree)

CEI School of Design and Marketing (2021-2022)

Contact Me



Instagram filter for CESIDA

I was hired by Apoyo Positivo to create an Instagram filter for CESIDA's 2021 campaign against AIDS.
The whole campaign revolved around the slogan "I = I" which means "Indetectable = Intransmisible" (Undetectable = Untransmittable).

cesida a+

Animations for CESIDA

I was hired by Apoyo Positivo to animate 2 different intros for CESIDA's 2021 campaign against AIDS, and Apoyo's campaign against AIDS stigma.
CESIDA hired different influencers to interview random people in the street with the objective of getting information about their knowledge on AIDS(I=I).

cesida a+
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Ao Caron Da Lareira

A narrative-based game about galician mythology through the eyes of a grandson and the stories his grandfather tells him by the fireside.
Made by Iris González Rivas and Charlie Gómez Sanz for the HPS1 Halloween Jam 2020
Voiced by - Pablo Bello Yáñez

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This is just a prototype I had to do for a final project, but I'm kinda happy with how it turned out! (Google Cardboard or similar needed)

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Night Shift: Remade

Hi! This game is part of my bachelor thesis. I developed the same game twice (my own spin of Night Shift by Puppet Combo) with 2 different aesthetics to gather information about the visuals' influence in the game's objective: scare the player (thats you! (hopefully)). Music by Stevia Sphere

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Decoder is a fictional simulation of the historic enigma machine, which relies on the player’s ability to decipher the enemies’ messages that menace London. Every action counts, time is short, a missile approaches.
Made by 6 students for de GGJam2018

rotate phone